"We have been very pleased with the overall performance of the Five Wall polycarbonate on our greenhouses which are sold all across North America," says Kyle Exner of BC Greenhouses, "It’s definitely worth spending a bit more to achieve the combination of strength, beauty and energy-efficiency."
Fall is a good time of year to clean your greenhouse when the weather
becomes cooler. Cleaning your greenhouse is essential for healthy plants and
also allows for maximum light during the winter months when days get
Start by removing all your plants from your greenhouse. Thoroughly clean the frame, glazing, potting benches, shelves and floor. Polycarbonate and glass can be cleaned with a mixture of dish soap and warm water applied with a soft cloth. For stubborn algae spots on glass use a little bit of bleach.
Before bringing in your plants from the outdoors, check for insects and disease. Plants with insects can be washed with warm soapy water or insecticide soap. Remove all dead and diseased leaves. Finally, disinfect your garden tools to prevent the spread of disease.
In cold winter climates a heater is needed to over-winter your plants. Choose a heater with a thermostat in order to keep your greenhouse at the desired temperature. Insulating your greenhouse with plastic creates an airspace, which will reduce winter heating costs.
Take advantage of our Cross- Country Insulated Greenhouse Fall Special!
Save 5% on all insulated double glass and five wall polycarbonate greenhouses. This offer is available on orders placed between September 15 and October 15, 2009.
Contact us today to take advantage of the fantastic offer.
Note: savings apply to greenhouse only and do not apply to accessories, shipping or taxes.
'The Winter Harvest Handbook'
by Eliot Coleman
"I just finished picking my first carrots, beets, and radishes from my new acold housea in Bedford, New York. It is so rewarding to harvest fresh vegetables and salads in the middle of winter and I grow them following the techniques of Eliot Coleman. I have been a devotee of Eliotas for years, fully agreeing with his methods for growing in winter, spring, summer, and fall, tasty, nutritious produce with a minimum consumption of fossil fuels. Congratulations on another volume of useful, practical, sensible, and enlightening information for the home gardener".
-- Martha Stewart
BC Greenhouse Builders | Toll Free 1-888-391-4433
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